The participant list displays all participants (or teams) that are shown on that map. Each row corresponds to a participant, whilst the columns most commonly show the position, number, nationality, name, distance and last report time.
On some maps, this will vary slightly and columns may be hidden. On mobile devices, columns are often hidden to accommodate narrower screens.

Participant Row
Clicking on a participant row will trigger several things. Firstly, it will expand the row to provide a range of statistics relating to their progress so far. There is also more information about the weather at their location, the battery level of their tracker and their location. The expanded row gives you the option to open their location in Google Maps or Streetview.

Secondly, clicking the participant row will recentre the map on that participant’s dot and it will display their track so far.

Often, events have multiple categories or groups, with participants split between them. In the Details Menu, the participants are displayed within their categories when these exist. The category/group name is displayed above the list of participants within it.

Each category can be enabled/disabled by using the toggle switch on the right-hand side. Disabling a category hides the participants from the both the map and the participant list.

Every participant has a star displayed next to their name within the participant list, which allows you to save them as a favourite. Doing this makes them easier to spot by making them more visible on the map and also within the participant list.

It is also possible to filter the map to only display your favourites using the filters in the Action Controls menu. And you can also share/save your favourites within this menu.